To understand environmental management of textiles.
To create awareness of the various types of pollution created by various processes of dyeing and printing
Unit I:
Importance of ecological balance and environmental protection. International and Indian legislation and enforcing agencies in pollution control, Waste management approaches.
Introduction to eco-friendly Textiles, Eco labeling schemes.
Unit II:
Environmental Management Systems, ISO 14000. Certification and criteria
Elements of EIA process, important environmental laws, and environmental pollution control norms.
Unit III:
Definition of waste and pollutant, Pollutant categories and types.
Pollution load from different wet processing operations.
Technology and principles of effluent treatment
Effluent testing parameters- colour and physical appearance, odour, temperature, PH value total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, BOD, COD, Bio-technology and its application in environmental industries
Unit IV:
Quality Management: Definition of quality and its importance, different approaches to quality, Description of Deming’s fourteen points and Ishikawa’s seven tools of quality.
Unit V:
Concept of Total Quality
Management (TQM), ISO 9000 Standards, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Quality Costs.
Essential Readings:
Asolekar S, Environmental problems in chemical processing of textiles,1st Ed. NCUTE, Department of Textile Technology, IIT-Delhi, 2000.
Padma Vankar, Textile Effluents, 1st Ed. NCUTE, Department of Textile Technology, IIT-Delhi, 2002.
Edmund B, The Treatment of Industrial Wastes, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill Kogaskusha, NewDelhi, 1976
Sharma B.K.and Kaur H., An introduction to Environmental Pollution Krishna Prakashan Media (P)Ltd., Meerut, 2001.
Mehta, P. V.,Quality Management: An Overview in ‘Testing and Quality Management’,Vol. 1, Ed. V K Kothari, IAFL Publication, New Delhi, 1999