· Structural Design: variation in fiber, yarn, fabric development
· Applied Design: Applied: dyeing, printing, finishing, painting & embroidery
Layout : Different layouts, the rough layout, the arrangements of layouts, establishing design size, drawing the motifs, refining the motifs.
Colour : colour ways, using a colour chart, mixing and matching colours, Making coloured grounds, Painting a Blotch
1. Gohl E.G. and Vilensky 1993: Textile Science, C.B.S. Publishers New Delhi.
2. Garthe, M., Fashio & Color; Rockport Publishers
3. Kadolph.J.S & Langford.L.A., Textiles,VIII ed.,1998,Prentice Hall, New Jersey
[1] https://jewellery.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/introduction-design-0