Course Outcomes (COs):
Course |
Learning outcomes (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies
Code |
Title |
TJD 401 |
Diamond Grading & Sorting |
The students will –
CO35: Aquent with history of diamond, sources and mining. CO36: Use basic gemological instruments to identify the natural, synthetic, manmade and simulants diamond. and Learn about Impurities in rough to finished diamonds , their cause and effect. CO37: Determine colour in diamonds, both natural and artificial and its effect on buying and selling. CO38: learn 5c’s of diamond and the use of the Rappaport Diamond Price List and the International diamond price structure. CO39: Learn Diamond crystallography, different varieties of diamond crystals. Structural defects and the internal structure of diamond crystals and their physical and optical properties of diamond.
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning Assignments, Effective questions. |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |