Jewellery Markets and Merchandising

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To learn  the basic skills like safety and care of jewellery  
  2. To understand the main features of major international and Indian markets
  3. To understand the role of advertisement & brand building   in Jewellery trade.
  4. To provide an understanding of World bullion market, how gold rates vary, retailing precious as well as costume Jewellery.


Course Outcomes: 


Course outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course  Code

Course Title

24JWD  231

Jewellery Markets & Merchandising

CO1: Analyse the history and the cultural aspects of various jewellery markets.

CO2: Evaluate the developments on indigenous jewellery designs and manufacturing processes.

CO3: :  Apply marketing communication techniques specifically to the jewellery retailing sector.

CO4: Demonstrate   knowledge   of   the   nature   and   processes   of   branding   and   brand management.

Interpret their understandings of indigenous jewellery and its importance in different cultures.

CO5: Demonstrate an understanding of the overall role advertising plays in the business world. Distinguish the various advertising media

CO6 : Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching

Learning activities for the students: Self learning  Assignments, Effective questions.

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects



Unit I: 
Main features of Jewellery of major international markets
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • France
  • USA
  • Japan
  • Dubai


Unit II: 
Main features of Jewellery in Indian market
  • Rajasthan
  • Gujrat
  • North Kashmir
  • Bengal
  • Madras
  • Maharashtra
  • Traditional Jewellery
    • Definition/ meaning
    • Filigree
  • Kundan Meena
    • Kundan jewellery –
      • Concept & Basic Manufacturing Process
    • Enameling –
      •  Meaning ComPOsition & Process of Enameling



Unit III: 
• Merchandising
  • Concept of  Merchandising
  • Marketing of Jewellery
    • Meaning & 7P’s Of Marketing
      • Product
      • Price
      • Promotion
      • Place
      • Packaging
      • People
      • POsitioning
  • Sales Promotion
  • Tips  How to Increase Sales                                                                                   
  • Publicity


Unit IV: 
Brand Management
  • ImPOrtance Of  Brand
  • Types Of Brand
  • Brand POsitioning
  • Building Brand personality
  • Strengthening online identity
  • Brand Equity
  • Brand Loyalty
  • Branded jewellery
  • Non Branded Jewellery


Unit V: 
  • ImPOrtance Of  Advertisement
  • Types Of Advertisement
  • POints To Keep In Mind for Prefect Jewellery Collection                         
  •  Advantages of Jewellery Exhibitions & Trade Fairs
  • celebrity Endorsement 
Essential Readings: 


  • Ganguly, W. (2009).  Indian Jewellery. Delhi : B.R. Publishing CorPOration
  • Sharma,R., Varadarajan,M.(2008). Handicrafted Indian Enamel Jewellery, Lustre Press Pvt. Ltd.
  • Price,J. (2004). Masterpieces of American Jewellery, London : Running Press
  • Price,J. (2006). Masterpieces of French Jewellery, London : Running Press
Academic Year: