Sustainable Jewellery Fabrication

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. Learn the types of wires and beads available to jewellery makers
  2. Gain an understanding of the function of different wires and findings and gain skills in using the main tools for wire and bead jewellery


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies





24MJD  225


Sustainable Jewellery Fabrication



CO52:Create intricate and visually striking jewellery pieces through diverse beading techniques and materials, ensuring the production of premium and marketable beaded jewellery products, alongside mastering a range of beading stitches and techniques to elevate their craftsmanship and unleash their creativity in jewellery making.

CO53:Develope the skills essential for crafting environmentally conscious jewellery pieces, fostering sustainability within the jewellery industry, while simultaneously embracing creativity and innovation.

CO54: Compile comprehensive practical records detailing plans related to jewellery design across diverse institutional settings and cultivate verbal communication skills to converse effectively with examiners.

CO55: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: Interactive Practical Sessions, materialsourcing, Demonstrations,giving tasks, Field practical, inspiration board, Workshop, Laboratory industry visits, Group and Team work

Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective , Product development

Class test, Semester end examinations, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Bead Jewellery Techniques
  • Beads & other Materials
  • Beads
  • Findings
  • Threads and Wires
  • Tools and Other Equipment
  • Basic Earring Making
  • Bead Necklaces
  • Bracelets
  • Necklace Threading /strings
  • Rings
  • Earring
  • Anklets
  • Accessory


Unit II: 
Sustainable Jewellery Fabrication
  • Jewellery with Recycled material
  • Fabric scrap jewelly
  • Gift Card Bracelet
  • Paper scrap jewellery
  • Plastic Bottle jewellery
  • Leather scrap jewellery
  • Sustainable Jewellery withResin
  • Process and safety
  • Jewellery&Accessory  fabrication
  • Wire  Jewellery Fabrication
  • Making Wrapper Wire Rings, Pendant, Bird Nest Pendant, Wrapped wire earrings


Essential Readings: 
  • Berkebile., J., (2012) Making Wire & Bead Jewellery: Artful Wirework Techniques, Lark Crafts; (1ST ed)
  • Tocchinskaya, E., Komleva, G. and Volynets, S. (2008). Jewellery. Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers.


Academic Year: