Computer Aided Design

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. Acquire proficiency in computer application in jewelry designing,
  2. Introduction about various tools used in corel draw
  3. Prepare computer sketches on specified themes


Course Outcomes: 

Course outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies


Assessment Strategies

Course  Code

Course Title

24JWD  133

Computer Aided Design

CO10:   Develop proficiency in computer-aided design development, with a focus on creating theme-based jewelry designs that integrate elements inspired by antique jewelry, stone setting techniques, and model rendering.

CO11: Compile comprehensive practical records detailing plans related to jewellery design across diverse institutional settings and cultivate verbal communication skills to converse effectively with examiners.

CO12 : Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Practical Sessions ,  problem soling exercises, Demonstrations ,Giving tasks, Field practical , Workshop ,  Laboratory industry visits,  Group and Team Work

Class test, Semester end examination, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects



Unit I: 
Basic Knowledge of Corel draw
  • Theme based designing                  
    • Earrings                        
    • Bracelets           
    • Pendants                    
    • Rings              
    • Brooch


Essential Readings: 
  • Bain, S. (2004). Corel DRAW 12: the official guide. Dreamtech Press.
  • Lam, R. (2003). Jewel 3D Design. Brilliant- Art Publishing Ltd
  • Bouton, G. D. (2011). Corel DRAW X5 the official guide. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.


Academic Year: