Consumer Behaviour

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To acquaint students with consumer behavior and its effects on the Jewellery market
  • To analyze dimensions that influence consumer decision making.
  • To give a perspective to understand the application of market research in framing effective marketing strategies


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies





Consumer Behaviour

CO74: Demonstrate knowledge of consumer behaviour for Marketing

CO75:Complythekey concepts of Consumer Buying Decision Making Process

CO76:Analyze and compare different models to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and applications in understanding consumer behavior.

CO77:Apply knowledge of personal and psychological factors to design marketing campaigns tailored to target audience preferences and behaviors.

CO78:Analyze the influence of socio-cultural factors on consumer behavior.

CO79 : Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Group

Discussions, Power point presentations, Video Tutorials, Guest lectures by industry experts, Industry Visits


Learning Activities for the students: Self- learning assignments, Effective questions, presentation, and case studies.

Assessment task willinclude test on thetopic, Semester end examinations, quiz, and advertisement analysis,personality mapping exercise, consumer research reports, student’s presentations, and assignments.

 24MJD  323


Unit I: 
Consumer Behaviour
  • Concept, Characteristics Scope
  • Applications and Importance of Consumer Behavior
  • Consumer Research: Concept, Role of Consumer Research, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Steps in Consumer Research Process.


Unit II: 
Consumer Buying Decision Making Process
  • Problem Recognition, Information search, Evaluation of alternatives, Purchase decision, and Post Purchase Behavior, Types of Consumers Buying Behavior.
  • Diffusion of Innovations: Concept of Innovation and Diffusion. New Product Adoption Process, Stages in the Adoption Process, Adopter Categories Based on Relative Time of Adoption.


Unit III: 
Models of Consumer Decision making
  • The Economic Model,
  • Learning Model,
  • Psychological Model,
  • Input, Process, Output Model,
  • Nicosia Model,
  • Howard-Sheth Model,
  • Engel, Kollat & Blackwell Model,
  • Engle-Blackwell and Miniard (EBM) Model


Unit IV: 
Personal and Psychological Factors affecting Consumer Buying Behaviour
  • Consumer perception,
  • learning,
  • attitudes,
  • motivation and personality –
  • psychographics, values and lifestyles.
  • Concept of VALS
  • Framework for psychographic Market Segmentation           



Unit V: 
Socio- Cultural Factors affecting Consumer Buying Behaviour
  • Culture, Sub-culture, Social Class, Consumer Reference Groups, Family & Consumer Behaviour,
  • Consumer roles within a family, purchase influences and role played by children,
  • Family life cycle;
  • Opinion Leadership


Essential Readings: 
  • Schiffman, L. G., & Kanuk, L. L. (2015). Consumer behavior, Prentice Hall
  • Solomon, M. R., & Panda, T. K. (2016). Consumer behavior, buying, having, and being. Pearson Education India.


Academic Year: