Cost Assessment Techniques

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This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand costing process of jewellery design.
  2. Impart in-depth knowledge of manual & computerized cost estimation of jewellery.


Unit I: 
Costing and Pricing Strategies, Objectives & Pricing formula
  • Costing of a Jewellery Piece
  • Wastage
  • Labour Cost 
  • Determination of Profit
  • Selling Prices
  • Jewellery Purchasing
  • Cost of inputs

         Cost-Based Designing:                                                                                                  

  • Designing a Pendant and earring set for a Particular Cost-Price
  • Designing a Ring for a Particular Cost-Price
  • Designing an Earring for a Particular Cost-Price
  • Designing a Necklace for a Particular Cost-Price

        Costing in MS Excel                                                                                                 

  • MS Excel

Introduction, spreadsheet, workbooks, saving a file, opening an existing worksheet, Rows and columns, cell entries (numbers, labels, formulas),

  • Various tools & Functions   :                                                          

Filling series, Functions and its parts, some useful Functions in excel (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, IF). Data sort, Renaming sheet, Printing worksheet.

  • Costing:

Insert Picture, Rate of Metal & Gem stones, Labour, Wastage, Determination of Profit and selling price.


Essential Readings: 
  • Quick Design (2012)
  • Anna M. (2013). Jewellery Appraising by Gem Stone Press; 3rd edition
  • Miller, A. M. (2012) Gems and Jewellery Appraising by Springer


Academic Year: