Entrepreneurship and Business Management

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. Identify the entrepreneurial competencies
  2. Analyze the process for starting a jewellery enterprise.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies





24MJD  422

Entrepreneurship and Business Management


CO99: Gain a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship and its role in the development of the jewellery industry in India.

CO100: Understand the fundamental functions of an entrepreneur, including innovation, risk management, organization, and the process of entrepreneurship.

CO101: Identify and differentiate between various types of entrepreneurs, analyze factors affecting entrepreneurship and the essential qualities of successful entrepreneurs.

CO102: Explore the process of entrepreneurship and managing various types of businesses and  the role of government policies and support mechanisms in fostering entrepreneurial ventures.

CO103: Increase their awareness of different forms of business entities, banking formalities, financing options, market analysis, competitor profiling, and environmental and societal impact assessments.

CO104 : Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team work


Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical



Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
  • Introduction to entrepreneurship, development of entrepreneurship, role of entrepreneurs in development of Jewellery industry, entrepreneurship with reference to Jewellery industry in India
  • Concepts and Définition
    • Entrepreneur
    • History
    • Nature and characteristics
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Enterprise
    • Female Entrepreneurship
    • Need of Entrepreneurship
    • Role of entrepreneurship in economic development


Unit II: 
Entrepreneurial development
  • Functions of an Entrepreneur                                                                     
  • Innovation
  • Risk and Uncertainty Bearing
  • Organization
  • Invention v/s innovation
  • Process of entrepreneurship


Unit III: 
Types of Entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Franchisée
  • Serial Entrepreneur
  • Engineer Entrepreneur
  • Visionary Entrepreneur
  • Factors effecting entrepreneurship
  • Otherqualities of Entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneur vs. Manager Relationship
  • Spirit of Entrepreneurship                                                                            
  • Study of famous entrepreneurs of India


Unit IV: 
Entrepreneurship, Starting, Developing & Managing
  • First Generation Entrepreneurship
  • Family enterprises
  • Rural Entrepreneurship
  • Difference between Wage Employment and Entrepreneurship
  • Difference between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship
  • Role of Entrepreneurship in Starting a New Business
  • Entrepreneurial support by state, central financial institutions, organizations. Government policies with reference to Gem and jewellery industry


Unit V: 
Business planning
  • Business planning- Starting a new venture related to Jewellery industry
  •  Formulate a Business Plan, Formalities of opening a firm, the status of firm, Individual proprietor/partnership/ Pvt. limited company & public Ltd company
  • Bank formalities, term loan, working capital, project financing.
  • Examine trends and new products, Identify and profile industry competitors.
  • Factor societal impact into production decision making, Estimate environmental impact of production processes


Essential Readings: 
  • Khanka, S. S. (2006). Entrepreneurial development. S. Chand Publishing.
  • Sudha G.S. (2015).Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Ramesh book depot.
  • Boothroyd Setting up a Successful Jewellery Business
  • Gupta, C.B. and Srinivasan, P(2015). Entrepreneurship Development, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi


Academic Year: