Fundamental of Jewellery Designing

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. Create awareness of design and its interpretation.
  2. Foster appreciation of jewellery designing.
  3. Impart an understanding of Professional and Historical contexts of Jewellery.
  4. Understand the historical and the cultural aspects of jewellery design and metal smithing
  5. Utilize the knowledge of the history of jewellery, its production, design, social context and function to inform design decisions.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies









24MJD  121


Fundamental of  Jewellery Designing






CO1: Analyze design elements & principles of composition and its applications.

CO2:Develop proficiency in conceptualizing, researching, design process and evolving designs while understanding the significance of motifs.

CO3 : Grasp of the historical progression of jewellery, from its origins to key periods in India.

CO4:  Develop the knowledge regarding the historical and cultural dimensions of jewellery design on a global scale.

CO5:  Analyze the influence of ancient art on design activities and outcomes through the interpretation and analysis of modern Jewellery.

CO6: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects




Unit I: 
  • Definition and understanding aspects of design, Designer & Artiest
  • Classification of Design

Elements of Design                                        

  • Point, line, shape, plane, texture, colour, pattern, form and space
  • Lines – types of lines and application of lines
  • Colour – aspects of colour, colour wheel and colour harmonies
  • Texture – Metal textures & finishes
  • Form – space, shape& 2D and 3D forms

Principles of Design                                         

  • Balance, Rhythm, Harmony, Proportion, Emphasis, Unity and Repetition.


Unit II: 
Design process
  • Ornament and ornamentation
  • Concept, research, design development and design preferences
  • Motif: Importance& Types of motif                                   
  • Jewellery Designing an overview
  • Sources & Inspirations
  • Strategy for perfect Jewellery Designing


Unit III: 
History of Jewellery:
  • Brief Introduction
  • Indus Valley Civilization
  • Harappan Culture
  • Study of historical Jewellery- India:                                                 
    • Mauryan,
    • Gupta,
    • Kushan,
    • Mughal


Unit IV: 
Historical Jewellery periods
  • Medieval jewellery
  • Mayan civilization      
  • Egypt
  • Mesopotamia
  • Greece
  • Roman
  • Renaissance
  • Turkey


Unit V: 
Ancient to Modern
  • Art Nouveau,
  • Art Deco
  • Victorian
  • Edwardian 
  • Retro Period                                                   
  • Latest Fashion Trends and Forecast


Essential Readings: 
  • Shubhangi, K. Artistic Ideas: Jewellery Designs Fresh from the Drawing Board.
  • Galli , (2000) The Art of Jewellery Design: Principles of Design, Rings, earrings Schiffer Publishing Ltd
  • Galli , (2005) Designing Jewellery: Brooches, Bracelets, Necklaces & Accessories, Schiffer Publishing Ltd


Academic Year: