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Printing Technology
- To understand the processes of printing.
- To understand the various methods and styles of printing.
- Introduction to printing
- Difference between dyeing and printing
- Printing methods: Hand block, roller and screen printing processes. (detailed study)
- Introduction and working of roller printing machine
- Screen Printing: photographic and other methods of screen preparation.
- Drawback and advantage of each method.
- Printing Styles:
- Direct
- Discharge :white and coloured
- Resist styles: white and coloured
- Other styles of printing
- Print Paste: Constituent and characteristics of print paste
- Classification and mechanism of working of thickeners
- After treatments of Printing: Importance of steaming, curing, ageing of prints.
- Mechanism of each process.
Essential Readings:
- Miles L.W.C, Textile Printing, Dyers Company Publication Trust, Bradford, England,1981.
- Shenai V.A, Technology of Printing, Sevak Publications, Mumbai, 1990.
- Hall A.J, Textile Finishing, Haywood Books, London, 1996.
- Shenai V.A. and Saraf, N.M, Technology of Textile Finishing, Sevak Publications,Mumbai, 1990.
- Peters R H, Textile Chemistry, Vol- III, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., New York,1975.